Foreign professional qualifications
Recognition of the professional title of Industrial Property Consultant (Patent attorney and Trademark attorney) obtained abroad
The Ministry of Economic Development – Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM) is the competent authority for recognising the professional titles of professional representatives obtained abroad. The title may have been obtained in the EU and in third countries by both Italian and foreign nationals. The decree recognising the title enables candidates to enrol in the specific professional register in order to exercise the profession in Italy after passing an aptitude test. To obtain recognition, an application must be submitted in accordance with the procedure set out in the Legislative Decree No 206 of 9 November 2007, which implements Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications.
If the examination of the application for recognition reveals a lack of knowledge of subjects that are considered essential for practising the profession in Italy, the person concerned will be required to pass an aptitude test. Professional qualifications obtained in the Swiss Confederation are recognised under Law No 364 of 15 November 2000 ratifying the Agreement of 21 June 1999 between the European Community and its Member States, on the one part, and the Swiss Confederation, on the other. The Agreement regulates the free movement of persons between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation and establishes the applicability of Community directives on the recognition of professional qualifications to Swiss citizens. Swiss citizens are able to exercise the right of self-certification pursuant to Article 46 of Presidential Decree No 445/2000.
- How to apply
- Documents to be submitted
- The Decree of the recognition and the enrolment in the Register
Temporary and occasional practice of the profession of Industrial Property Consultant
In the event of the free provision of services within the European Union, for the purposes of the temporary and occasional practice of the profession of Industrial Property Consultant within Italy, the person concerned must, under Articles 10 et seq of Legislative Decree 206/2007, submit a declaration to the UIBM after registering as a ‘mandatario estero’ [foreign professional representative] online at the following link (for english language please switch the cursor on the navigation bar from “IT” to “EN”). This declaration, to be submitted before practising the activity, must contain information on the type of services to be provided and a set of documents as evidence of the applicant’s professional standing. The declaration and the documents must be submitted exclusively via the online system used for enrolment. The profile of registered foreign professional representative will remain active for only one year following the enrolment date unless the applicant updates the documents submitted before the deadline.
Operational instructions explaining the procedure for enrolling and submitting the documents are set out in Circular No 613.
- Documents to be submitted – temporary and occasional practice of the profession of Industrial Property Consultant
- Conclusion of the verification procedure and enrolment in the Register