Anti-Counterfeiting Hotline

The Anti-Counterfeiting Hotline is a helpdesk service aimed at providing consumers and entrepreneurs (above all small and medium ones) with information on IPR protection and its enforcement at national and international level.

In particular, it is  dedicated to users who want to report alleged infringements of IP rights, either perpertrated online or offline.

To this end, users can send an email to the following accounts:

or call the Anti-Counterfeiting Hotline at

  • + 39-06.4705.3800 (Monday to Friday, from 9:00am to 5pm)

The service is free of charge for any user, regardless of their nationality.

It is hosted and managed by DGTPI-UIBM and operated by Guardia di Finanza staff, who liaise when appropriate with its Special Units and other law enforcement authorities (in particular the Anti-fraud Service of the Customs Agency) in order to start investigations.